Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome to BIOL 5311

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to BIOL 5311, the Ecology course in the MS Squared degree program. Thanks for giving up part of your summer to come to the garden city of Lubbock (you know what they say about Lubbock- "it is a nice place to live, but I wouldn't want to visit"). I know that there is nothing you would rather be doing than sitting through 4 hours of class everyday!!

There are at least two main goals to this course. First, to increase your content knowledge in the ecology-related fields in biology. Second, to show you how you can use mathematics in the biology classroom. This summer's experience will be organized similarly to last summer's Math and Physics courses (I am sorry that I wasn't around to be able to play with all of David Lamp's toys). Brock Williams, your devoted math professor, and I will work together to try to integrate the ecology and math concepts and practices in the most effective way possible. If all goes according to plan, by the end of the course you should have new content knowledge in both ecology and math, examples of how the study of ecology can benefit from using mathematics and how ecology can serve as a topic for discussing math concepts, and most importantly, the confidence and experience you apply your new knowledge and skill to your math and science classrooms in the future.

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