Thursday, June 16, 2011

Statistical Analyses #2

Chapter 5. Correlations between quantifiable variables.

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

1) determine when you need to use regression to help you test your hypothesis

2) use Excel to conduct regression analysis

3) interpret the outcome of this test to correctly draw conclusions

Chapter 6. Associations Between Categorical Variables

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

1) determine when you need to use a chi square test of association or a chi square goodness of fit test to test your hypotheses

2) calculate the expected values in the chi square test of association or chi square goodness of fit test

3) use Excel to conduct the Chi Squre test

4) interpret the results to correctly draw conclusions

Appendix 1.

I added Appendix 1 to the lab manual for students that might have been a little bit less math phobic and who might actually benefit from understanding a bit more about how the math of the statistical tests work. Because you are all comfortable with math, I hope you take a look at this short section.

Process of Science- Final Thoughts

After you have finished reading the entire book, don't forget that the three most important summaries are found on pages 30 - 32. Enjoy.

Here is a link to the Smart Board Notes.

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